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Hope anyone reading this is doing well. I meant to update on Wednesday but work has been very busy. It's also been very cloudy which made it hard to take good photos. I'll keep today's update brief since I haven't been able to knit all that much due to the aformentioned work.

A fair bit into the next section of green. The pattern says that the cuff can be done once there are 4 sections of each color. This means I'll only have one section of teal and one section of green left to do after the current one is done. Then it'll be time for the second sleeve and, finally, the collar.

The hat is going well. I'm finishing up the fourth zigzag. After the fifth, I'll take out the provisional cast on, fold the fabric in half, and knit the two rows of stitches together in order to create a folded brim. This'll be my first time trying one out, so I'm hoping it'll go well.

I'll be attending the stitch club again tomorrow and hopefully I can update on time. I also thought more about my next projects, and I'll leave that update for tomorrow. Have a lovely weekend, everyone.