Hello again! Hope anyone reading this is doing well. Last week I found out that one of the branches of my local library holds a stitch club on Sundays. I attended today for the first time and I had a nice, peaceful time. It was two hours total so I decided to split the time between both my current projects.
My Off Grid sweater is going well. I've gotten two more color sections done since Wednesday when I last updated, which is more than I thought I'd gotten done. Once I have four sections of the mint and four sections of the dark green, I'll do the ribbed cuff and be done with one sleeve. Very exciting.
I had a very hard time taking a good progress photo of the Zap Cap today because, as you can see, my cat really wanted to be involved. On Wednesday I had one pattern repeat done and now I'm at 2.5, not bad! Once I have 5 total, the fabric will be folded to create a folded brim. I've mostly been working on it in small 10 minute increments every time I take a break during work. I tend to work on the Off Grid sweater while watching TV after dinner and that's usually a chunk of 45-60 minutes. I think that means each project gets around an hour of attention each day.
Plans for the Future
As the Off Grid sweater starts nearing its end, and the Zap Cap moves quickly, I've started thinking about what I want to make next. I've been slowly trying to update my personal wardrobe and I noticed that I don't really have any basics. I'm also yearning for an easier project after two very involved ones. For those reasons, I'm strongly considering my next two projects to be the following:

The first is the Simple and Simple Sweaterby Knitting for Olive. Like previously mentioned, simplicity is what I want and that's what this pattern seems to offer. The only thing that gives me some pause is the collar which does not appear to leave room for something like a button up shirt to peek through. I'm not familiar with how to adapt necklines yet, but perhaps this would be a good time to learn. If I decide on this pattern I was considering using the recommended yarn for the first time in all my time following patterns which means using Knitting for Olive's merino and mohair yarns. Before the Zap Cap, I'd only knit in acrylic and cotton (and sock yarn). I've heard good things about Knitting for Olive's yarns so I'm looking forward to using it. Still, I'm not entirely sure what color I want to go with. The easy options are something like white, grey, black, or brown. My fun options are a dark, cool toned red, blue, green, or purple. We'll see!
For the second project I was inspired by a scarf I saw on the final season of Succession:

It seems to be a simple 2x2 ribbed scarf. Purl Soho has a free pattern that looks very close to Ebba's scarf above. I personally really love an almost absurdly long scarf, so I might double what the pattern says. I'm thinking of knitting the scarf in a contrasting color to the sweater for some variety. And then maybe I'll knit the same two (or similar) patterns again with the colors reversed! So much to think about.
That's it for me this week. I hope everyone spent this Sunday doing things they enjoy, I hope we all have a great week and I'll see you all on Wednesday.